[url=http://www.lcsun-news.com/las_cruces-news/ci_24921347/suspects-family-heartbroken-over-roswell-shooting]The shooter's family that is.[/url]
Personally: I'm glad they are sad.
Because that absolves them of their guilt and their failure as parents and decent human beings to ensure that they talk with their son and to find out if he has any troubles that bother him. No to mention it absolves them of the responsibility to ensure that the shotgun and the ammunition was in a safe and secured location.
[quote]The 11-year-old boy who was [b]shot in the face[/b] and neck remained in [b]critical condition[/b] [/quote] [quote]the [b]injured[/b] boy has asked that his name be withheld [b]while he recovers.[/b][/quote] I only got shot in face with a shotgun, I'll get over it. -_-