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The "Who are your favorite posters" topic got me thinking about this one. There are certainly popular users on this website, and I'm curious about how you did it. Would you say that good posting got you there, or good threads? Of course, anyone can respond with their opinion below.
I posted stuff.
By being a big community poster. Though now I just linger in Offtopic.
I'm not Big.
I'm no superstar, but from I've seen, you just have to be here. Just post and comment and people will start to recognize you.
I'm awesome.
All teh G.I.R.Ls: "born with an X chromosome."
I ate a lot of lard and grease. Before I knew it I was bigger than all of you put together.
Just be here. It happens.
I did a thing one time
Gender shifting and talking a lot?? There's a serious answer about "popularity" and the like under my skull but my Ralts is soon to evolve and I can't be distracted now (o'∀'人)
I honestly don't know. Although the Flood Showdown certainly got me some followers.
I've hurt so many members when I've proven them wrong, their obsessions truly made me what I am.
Make a thread parody of a twitter post called, "Follow me, I follow back." I did that once and got some followers, it was pretty funny. OT: I don't really care. It's nice to feel the love but I just like socializing on here.
It just happend one day. . . . I posted my opinion and boom 35 followers like that .
I have never been known on this site, nor will I ever try to be. The closest I've ever been was having differing opinions on topics in the Halo 3 forums, and I suppose some people thought I was idiotic for such a thing. It was always amusing poking fun at people who thought they were amazing, and it still is. And having favorite posters is asinine.
I didn't
I didn't. Nyuck nyuck
Mostly being here for almost 6 years and people just see me often.
#muteDeeJ2k13 [spoiler]I'm not famous at all[/spoiler]
Butt kissery.
i didnt. that is a good thing.
You need to arise.