When I say media, I mean video games, movies, anime, and manga. I just gave my friend all my copies of Naruto (volumes 1-57) and Bleach (volumes 1-24), and a bunch of anime and video games I had that I don't play anymore. I absolutely hate having a huge collection of media. I don't really have much friends, but I feel that the friends I do have or the ones I will make in the future will see my huge collection and think "Wow, this guy has too much free time on his hands". So I decide to cut my collections so I don't have as much.
EDIT: Also I didn't get rid of the games JUST because I was worried about that, I also gave them away cause I don't bother with them anymore. What's the point in keeping an anime I only watched once five to six years ago? Or keeping a game that I played once and no longer enjoy? The manga I had I never read after the first three hours after I bought it so why still keep it?
I think I'm just being paranoid though, what about you guys?
Collecting media is why I have bookshelves and a home server. If there's something that I like or appreciate, I want to be able to enjoy it (again) anytime that I choose to.