Rooter (Warlock): AOE effect, turns nearby enemies into trees
Edited by BARACK OBAMA: 5/10/2014 4:49:37 AM[b]In Yo Face[/b] (Hunter) Throws knives at everything's face and then detonates the knives. [b]What the....[/b] (Hunter) You turn into Chuck Norris with a B-B Gun
Pull out my gun and shoot the enemies oooohh aaaahh
Titan-armor lock a ability used to anger the opponent
[quote]Rooter (Warlock): AOE effect, turns nearby enemies into trees[/quote] Warlock: a move tha syphons all energy around him/her and picks up all items on the field to his inventory when he syphons he charges up his super and restores his health
Warlock: Necro The warlock is surrounded in dark mist absorbing all incomming gunfire then immediatly raises the dead of the last 10 enemies the gaurdian has killed setting them loose to wreak havok on its enemies. Hunter: Dark Nova The hunter infused with the darkness powers explodes and fills the entire area in darkness with the hunter becoming darkness it slashes and kills its enemies brutaly without ever being seen. Titan: Fist of Havok The titan throws its wepeons down and infuses his fist with holy powers running rampage and punching the -blam!- out of everything
Changing mine Necromancy: sends out a black wave of death that kills all enemies in a certain area then resurrects all the dead ones
Edited by Red October: 5/15/2014 6:02:17 PMTraveler's Strength (This is a shared ultimate that changes based on which focus is followed): Judgement (Titan)/DPS: If the Titan follows the Assault Codex, Judgement will enhance his/her Fist of Havok by increasing damage dealt by 10%, lifting the enemies in the air (stunning them for 1 second), and finally causing them to explode dealing a small amount of extra AOE (no more than 3% of the Fist of Havok's impact damage), but splattering surviving foes with the blood of their comrades reducing their accuracy by 50%. Bulwark of Souls (Titan)/Tank: If the Titan follows the Defensive Codex, his/her Void Barrier will now pull all enemies around the Titan and provide a second layer of defense. Once the outer layer and the Void Barrier itself are used up, or the duration of the ability has expired, a powerful nova will explode beneath the Titans feet doing damage equal to 100+ (1/3*total health of all hostiles pulled in). *By pulled in I mean as an outer layer meat shield*
Hunter ability called "Mass Casualty" it's a multiple enemy assassination that starts with two, and maxes at 6, growing more spectacular as it evolves. Warlock ability called "Total Recall" or "Reanimation". It brings back living enemies (so vex and hive are unaffected) to fight for you. The branch starts with either a higher class enemy, or longer lasting.
Lol Enders game reference, love it xD
New one: Ghost: go partially invisible and pass through walls for three seconds. Will not work if trying to skip areas and you can not shoot during and for one second after. (Warlock/Hunter)
Banana & split (Hunter): Throws bananas at nearby enemies, stunning them. Self AoE.
Titan Ability: Cataclysm- augment to Fist of Havok. Upon impact, terraform a crater trapping enemies inside with you. Perfect synergy with the lingering DoT effect for Fist that they've already mentioned.
Blade God (Hunter): Doubles damage with blades.
[b]Shield of [i]Destiny. [/i][/b] Everyone in your fireteam combines there supers for a buff that makes everyone in your fireteam able to take three times as much damage as normal. For 25 seconds. [b]Sword of[u]Destiny. [/u][/b] Everyone in your fireteam combines there supers to send out a small version of [i]The Traveler[/i] that then detonates in a shower of space magic that kills the enemy and disables there supers for 25 seconds.
Edited by Ghost593835: 1/18/2014 4:40:20 PMWarlock can use this and only them. Rage of the gods : destroys everything, planets. City's etc. It is a ray of light that destroys everything in it. It can also bend time and space. It only takes one hit to destroy a planet.
Edited by X1014: 3/22/2014 9:33:01 PMStomp (Titan) Turn into Isaac Clarke and stomp the sh!t out of your enemy Potato Summon an army of potatoes to attack your enemies
(Titan) - Chef: With a press of two buttons, summon a cooking table by the power of your Ghost, and start frying up your enemies!
Edited by kittykate: 3/13/2014 12:39:03 AM[b]Mind control[/b] [b]ex 1:[/b] take control of a fallen captain for 10 seconds or depending on what level you are, then kill everything in your path. [b]ex 2: [/b]take over a smaller enemy and suicide bomb him into his own pack. [b]ex 3:[/b] take control of a devil walker pilot (if it has one) and destroy the field. [b]ex 4:[/b] gather with fellow mind controllers for the power to control the traveller and steal all it's mojo and become president of the universe.
Grognok (Any class, animation would vary on class) Destroys a medium portion of land, and creates an abyss that they say leads to the Void.
Acrobatics: Allows the Hunter to run across walls at high speed and do wall jumps, could be put into a separate Focus as an ability.
Shank: Take out my melee weapon and go ham on the unsuspecting.
Edited by JWilson: 5/13/2014 12:26:04 AMNot sure of name but a Titan ability. You pick up the nearest enemy and throw them at another, with small AOE. Could be the Titan's mid-range to long-range attack. For the skill tree you could go two ways. 1. The farther you can throw your enemies, also the heavier the enemy you could pick up. 2. You have limited range but cause a larger AOE effect.
Assassins Shot(Hunter) The Hunter's visor begins to glow and you hear the Hunter take a breath. Time slows down. The background turns gray and every enemy around is as clear as day whether they be in plain sight or hiding behind cover. The Hunter focuses and aims at every vital point of every enemy there. (Bang) Time slowly resumes its pace as the shots are fired. You see multiple traces of the bullets cutting through the air heading straight to their targets. Some bullets on a straight path while others ricochet off of walls and other obstacles to reach there targets leaving nothing but the hollow cries of silence. The glow of the Hunter's visor dims and he resumes the hunt.
huge pork sword
[b]Psychic Mindkick[/b] (Warlock): Turns an enemy of your choice to your side for a short time or until they die. [b]Thor's Hammer[/b] (Titan): Similar to the golden gun. The Titan's heavy is replaced with a rocket launcher that has four shots and deals extreme AoE damage. Unlike the Golden Gun, Thor's Hammer goes away in 5 seconds if you don't use it. [b]Recon Seeker[/b] (Hunter): You can see the skeletal system of your enemies through walls for a short time.