Bungie always has awesome credits at the end of their projects- every employee plus personal notes of around 20 characters each they leave. Then at the end you get all the 'special thanks' which goes out to other communities or fans, and that's when you know you're almost done with the credits so you can see if there's anything after they end (you all do it, don't lie!).
But how cool would it be if you could have yourself, as an individual rather than part of 'The Bungie Community' be in the credits for the game? For instance, 'Thanks to these people that stuck by us even when we were Dark' or something. Even if it were just usernames, wouldn't that be awesome? To have your loyalty appear somewhere permanent that will potentially be seen by millions of people?
For fun, I thought it would be cool to see what little message people would put if they hypothetically got their username in the credits and were allotted... let's say 20 characters. I'd probably go with something simple and cheesy like:
[quote]Hi Bnet BNGL 4 Life!'[/quote]BNGL being, of course, BUNGLE (the greatest thing to happen to gaming since the bendy straw happened to life). So what kind of things would you folks say? I think it's a fun little idea.
"Fridge Gnome- the hero bungie needs, not the one it deserves"