I think we're all aware of some of the issues Nintendo has been having recently. Nintendo president Saturo Iwata said that, as part of a rethinking of business structure, the company would be looking at ways to use smart devices to grow the gaming business. [url=http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/01/20/nintendo-has-no-plans-for-mario-on-smartphones]On Friday, he clarified that this incorporation of smart devices would not mean releasing games for them.[/url]
Nintendo's hardware has generally been profitable, but the Wii U has been struggling lately. Sales are weak and Nintendo is already taking a loss on the console. The 3DS, on the other hand, is projected to sell 13 million units. Some have called for Nintendo to abandon hardware altogether and focus on developing its IP's for other consoles and platforms. It seems like the company will not be making that move anytime soon.
If nintendo is having issues, I'd hate to hear the news on Sony and Microsoft.