all u guys bitch about how religion is bad and flame people who are religious.
if one guy said calmly " i dont support gay rights" all of you just flame the guy
but it's not just that..... it can be anything in general. if someone holds a personal opinion that differs from yours you insult them.
discuss your unacceptable practices.
I try to get in kind discussions about it. Unless they're being an absolute asshole, then they get shit on.
Christianity? I'll just leave this here.
stop being a delted user makes no sense
I, the goshdarn Batman, condemn this bait thread and all others like it. I stand against those who relentlessly mock and criticize others' beliefs, be they religious or secular in nature. Prepare yourselves, haters.
I don't like anyone who hates on other peoples beliefs ...
I hate haters of religious haters
did this thread really get bumped? come'on guyz.
I don't support gay marriage.
[quote]i hate religious haters[/quote] Haters gonna hate!
[quote]if one guy said calmly " i dont support gay rights" all of you just flame the guy[/quote]And rightfully so. If someone came along and said "I don't think blacks should count as a whole person" or "women shouldn't be able to vote", I'd expect a similar response.
[quote]i hate religion haters[/quote] The hypocrisy
F8 brought me 2 this B8
You are religious and a hater though, and therefore a hypocrite.
Well, not supporting gay rights IS stupid.
I wish I had a bullet big enough to -blam!-ing kill the sun I'm sick of songs about the summer And I hate everyone
Edited by Unique ID: 2/15/2014 9:12:06 AMI hate how you post is one sided, and how it's bad bate.
So you're a hater hater
Edited by Lainkey: 1/21/2014 10:59:01 PMYeah, religious haters are mean. I mean, they dont respect the fact I'm atheist! Its not fair!
Will you please try next time?
[quote]discuss you're unacceptable practices.[/quote] *your
I hate people who hate religious haters
IMO, if people don't want to support equal rights they should spend some time in the other person's shoes. [spoiler]Because if you're wearing their shoes, you can make as much fun of them as you want and they can't chase you very far.[/spoiler]
Edited by floppy: 1/21/2014 11:12:07 PMYou need some better bait. I would suggest an actual avatar and an average username for starters. Then, you need to bait people on a serious topic and actually give legitimate reasons as to why you think this way. Reply to every comment this way in order for everyone to believe you really are that retarded, not a troll, just retarded.
Nothing like a bit of irony, hey op!?
I like my babies barbecued. With a nice stack of fries and and a tall glass of the blood of Christian virgins.