If I create a Destiny account with my Playstation 3 or my Xbox 360 and then upgrade to next-gen, will I be able to port my account over to the new system?
i would like to think that you will be able to, my reasoning behind this is because of Diablo 3. Activision/Blizzard has said your PS3 characters will be transferred if you move them to PS4. If you don't have this game, when you're connected to the internet it automatically uploads the information at a time you set daily (even when the PS3 is off) So i imagine it WILL technically transfer, or rather your characters and saved information will be uploaded and stored on a server for you so you will be able to play on a next gen console where you left off. Also note I'm only proposing this for PS as i don't own an XB and can't say, but i doubt it'll be different