Super necrobump
It's okay, it wasn't that bad...
You just got your ass handed to you
I think you just want to upset people and I wish you would stop.
What did you say??? I warned you longface...keep it up and you'll join the likes of the abomination.....or worse. Banned
Obvious troll is obvious
Your my hero
I still love you long face.
You are forgiven
Man, DeeJ is always shutting you down these days
I can't believe people are getting so worked up about a troll
Edited by Zero: 8/21/2014 1:28:58 AMThe troll is strong with this one. But I will humor you. I been playing a game called dibalo 3, it's a great game I may add. Now i'm a level 70 (max level), now I know what your thinking "your max level. Why are you still playing there is nothing to do." Well there is something to do, legendary hunting. "Legendary hunting? what's that?" You may ask. It's a weapon or armor that is rare to get and it's a want by D3 community. Now what would happen say...you could buy them with real money? Well that's not a legendary item anymore, it's just a sword you can buy to make you better and everyone and there dog has it. There is no point in looking for where that legendary drops and go hunting for it and there is no feeling of accomplishment. And in time the community will slowly die and become a ghost town. Bungie know's this and will not go down this dark path. Now I seen a few of your post in the past and most of them are to make people mad and to troll them. If that is not your intentions ( witch I think it is ) then take a step back and think really hard before you make a post like this or you could be muted or worst band from the website. Make your choice.
If you don't have time to work hard for what you want why get the game at all.
Terrible idea
You have upset Deej, it is time to stop posting.
[quote]I'm going to be very busy this year, so I'll barely be able to play destiny. My chances of coming across an exotic item when info play seem rather low. That's a shame because I really do like the idea of exotic weapons. But what if they were available to purchase? That would give me an advantage because I make a decent amount of money. What do you guys think?[/quote] It would defeat the purpose of playing they game.
Edited by THA rofltard: 7/2/2014 9:19:27 AM[quote]o_____________o [/quote]
10/10, soo trolly it actually sounds serious and not trolly at all.
Absolutly not and it will never happen
Edited by DigitalIZesty: 6/29/2014 6:30:28 PM
Started a new topic: Exotic weapons be available as microtransactions(18 Replies))
Earn it yourself
Absolutely NOT! No pay to win games, you must earn your gear not buy it. That is wrong, cheap, dirty, and ultimately lazy. The exotics are supposed to be hard to get and very rewarding once one is found. Other Guardians are supposed to wonder where you got it and realize the work you had to do to get it, not your wallet size. I am almost 100% sure that Bungie will NOT include this for that reason. Pay to win will ruin the game and the reward of exotics or legendaries.
Well then the weapons really wouldn't be exotic and all the hard work into finding them is pointless if you can just buy them
No. Just... No. Exotics, more than anything else in the game, should be seen as accomplishments. I have no problem with trading and auctions and all that, but not exotics.