The '80s were dominated. By what genre, I'm not entirely sure, maybe side-scrolling platformers, maybe top-down stuff, but I'm sure one or two genres reigned supreme.
The '90s saw enormous success for two primary genres. I'll come to the second later, but the first was platformers, riffing off Mario's '80s success, and, perhaps to a lesser extent, Sonic too. When Mario 64 came out, nobody had ever seen anything quite like it, and the popularity of 3D platformers exploded, until the glut of cartoonish 3D platformers gave us such early noughties flops as Tak, Vexx and Blinx. 2. Yeah.
That other genre continued to evolve into the noughties with, lest we forget, Halo. The scifi FPS has been an enormously successful genre in previous years, until Call of Duty came along and enjoyed success unlike Medal of Honour, and shifted the focus of FPSs into the military subgenre.
And now that wears thin.
What do we have in its place? I look to this year and I ask myself, what am I most looking forward to? Among others, Watch Dogs and inFamous: Second Son. Assassin's Creed has been steamrolling its way to success this last half a decade, and GTAs IV and V have been the most successful franchise entries, and amongst the most successful games of the last decade.
Sure, we still have Destiny and Titanfall and Halo (2014). The FPS is a huge genre, and likely always will be. But it arguably isn't the cutting edge genre of geek culture popularity that it was in the last decade. People are certainly tiring of military-themed shooters, and, whilst scifi always has the potential to reinvent itself, it's arguably not as popular as it once was.
What say you lot?
Addendum: a different subgenre in the third-person adventure game is the more cinematic and linear approach, as seen in the enormous successes of Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War and Bayonetta, some of which will see new additions in the foreseeable future.
I've also forgotten MGS V, FFXV, The Division, Rime, Mad Max, The Witcher 3 and DA: Inquistion (another threequel with three Is in the subtitle, like BioShock Infinite, hurr).
and mass effect 4