I'm stuck on Qwealag? I don't think I spelled that right, but I'm in the place where she's at (don't remember what it's called), in the tunnel where you find a dragon scale I think.
[spoiler]Under where you open up the shortcut from the depths[/spoiler]
Oh, and I'm cursed. With 0 souls.
Her sword attacks can be avoided just by backing away. Only attack when she does her lava attack, the longer one, not the short spurt. If her human body slumps down, back away as that's her powerful AOE attack. Summon Mildred if you can, she invades your world while in human form just outside the bonfire. Defeat her and you can summon her for the fight.
Thanks for the tips! I have summoned Mildred before. Sometimes she goes Rambo, and sometimes she dies instantly lol.
Easy melee strategy: get up close on her right side but where you can see her human body still and wail on her. Easiest to dodge her attacks rather then tank but either way works. Every time you see her slump run then go right back to it. Or summon man eater Mildred, except you don't have humanity
Dat sucks
Edited by tntbabin: 1/26/2014 6:49:41 PMQuelaag is the correct spelling I think. If you're cursed, you could always take the shortcut above the waterwheels that'll lead from Blighttown to New Lando Ruins, which you could use to get to Firelink. From there, you could go through the sewer shortcut and talk to the creepy moss lady to by a purging stone for the curse. After you get some souls of course. Good way to get souls is to help kill bosses in co-op.