You've decided this is the career path for you. You get all sorts of perks and it pays very well! That's all well and good, but oh no! Some measly do-gooder is trying to overthrow your master plan!
What kind of stuff would you do to stop this situation?
I would not use a device with a digital countdown for my plan. Otherwise this would give the hero time to stop me. Similarly, I would make the activation method to the device wireless, so the hero cannot cut the wires to prevent my plan.
Edited by CND AAA Beef: 1/27/2014 2:18:16 AMEasy. The hero will inevitably break into my secret volcano/undersea/Moon/etc headquarters. My guards will capture him and bring him to me. And instead of explaining my master plan in intricate detail before placing him in a cell that he will inevitably escape from, I'll just shoot him in the face. Then I shoot him again, just to be sure. I'd also provide my employees/henchmen with health and pension benefits.
how much do i get paid?
Trap the person in a room and flood it till he drowns
Good PR. Try being the hero when your opponent is already one to the people.
I would hide under my bed.
Doofenshmirtz up in here
Why do you think I am not one already? And my plan to trap my nemesis is dump him into a pit where he won't escape until I win.
I would follow [url=]these[/url] simple guidelines.
I want to be a Pirate
Shoot him I guess?
I'm a mastermind,i can't announce my plans,but one thing is certain,get in my way and you will die
You seem to be doing plenty of talking today.
Poison the water.
Build a fake inator and shoot him when he attacks it
I wouldn't announce my plans to the world. I'd be the villain that does everything from the shadows and working through agents, disposable operatives, and Swiss bank accounts.
Lol well since I'm an evil mastermind, ill have no problem blowing up his house while he's sleeping.
Ha! I already am in that situation as of now. I am extremely successfull Greek businessman living in America and have much wealth and power.
Sharks, with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads.
Edited by Billylolol: 1/27/2014 12:28:37 AMFake way to stop my plan so he/she/they go into a trap that's a remote detonated bomb. Bounty for he/she/them as a backup. Don't pull a dramatic thing, like public execution or giving them a chance to beat me thinking I can beat them, and just kill them on sight.
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 1/27/2014 12:14:37 AM"If business has tough me anything it's repetition" I'd make a device that is complex yet not too so, it while capable to actually fulfill the task is but a ruse, while the other 3 devices are all ready to do the task as well, even better. The first device is also where I will kill the "good guy" and ensure that he is dead with extreme radiation poisoning which also defends the device. In addition the area of the device is rigged to explode upon detonation or destruction of the device of which signals travel via radio signals and underground hardwire networks. There is no failsafe and the bombs are encased in titanium cases buried in the ground. Also hold their loved one captive far away and kill them if he gets close... And observe everything through cameras so if anything goes awry I blow it up too
Build a time machine and bring a condom back in time so I could give it to his father.
Step 1: Become Evil Villain Step 2: Have Do-Good attempt to do good Step 3: Create a big metal object that looks evil Step 4: Put it in a hard to reach location Step 5: Assign Full Security Detail To Object Step 6: Put my real device under my bed Step 7: Finish Evil Plan
Nuke the city he's in without warning or hesitation.
Inescapable situations Actually kill the hero No weak points on the device Back up detonators, lots of them No timer A motion sensor that'll trigger the bomb if anyone gets too close, only I can deactivate the sensor. Never reveal the actual plan. Have a security [b]not[/b] full of bimbos [referencing every Pixar and Dreamworks movie]
Actually kill the hero Have backup detonators no countdown timers CCTV on bomb - if I see the hero near my bomb, KABOOM Tamper resistant bombs not telling my master plan
Convert the hero into a villain, of course.