...for free
[i]A number of motorists who had to abandon their vehicles in the snow on Highway 280 outside of Birmingham, Ala. were able to find shelter in the storm thanks to the kindness and generosity of Chick-fil-A restaurant employees and the restaurant's owner, Mark Meadows.
Once the snow started accumulating, Meadows closed the restaurant and sent his staff home. But a few hours later, many of them returned – unable to get to their homes.
“Our store is about a mile and a half from the interstate and it took me two hours to get there,” manager Audrey Pitt said. “It was a parking lot as far as I could see.”
So Pitt left her car on the side of the interstate and joined a flock of bundled up drivers trudging through the snow.
Some of the drivers had been stuck in their cars for nearly seven hours without any food or water. So the staff of the Chick-fil-A decided to lend a helping hand.
“We cooked several hundred sandwiches and stood out on both sides of 280 and handed out the sandwiches to anyone we could get to – as long as we had food to give out.”
The staffers braved the falling snow and ice and Chick-fil-A refused to take a single penny for their sandwiches.
The meal was a gift – no strings attached.
So why did they give away their food?
“This company is based on taking care of people and loving people before you’re worried about money or profit,” Pitts says. “We were just trying to follow the model that we’ve all worked under for so long and the model that we’ve come to love. There was really nothing else we could have done but try to help people any way we could.”
The Chick-fil-A also allowed anyone who wanted to sleep on a bench or a booth.[/i]
I'm gonna eat chick-fil-a tomorrow morning just to honor this, and topiss off the liberals of course.
They're so antigay though guys.
Edited by cxkxr: 2/7/2014 8:40:16 AMHopefully they receive a boom in business, other companies will catch on, and there would be competition to do more things like this. Even if it is purely driven by profit to give charity, it's still not a bad thing. Profit = a desired human interaction by society.
Yes, let's focus on the good acts, and completely ignore everything else that's been said and done by the company. There's never been anything wrong with not taken into account everything bad that's been done by someone. [i]Oh wait....[/i]
Lord Vishnu would've prevented the snowstorm from coming. #Hinduism
I could go for some fried chicken sandwiches right now.
Edited by Predator5791: 1/30/2014 2:36:36 PMTo think, these are the same [i]"bigoted monsters"[/i] that made public their biblical stance on homosexuality, causing a nationwide boycott of their establishment. [i]Go figure. [/i] Good for these people for standing up for what they believe, and good for them for helping their fellow man.
Good for them.
Ha! Gay.
People weren't happy with the CEO, not this manager. Just saying.
So their CEO has an unpopular opinion about gays, whatever; great -blam!-ing food, and overall good guys helping people. Good on ya Chick-Fil-A.
a company taking advantage of easy publicity how new
I love Chick-Fil-A. Great food from a great Christian business.
Edited by MoReCoWbELLx2x1: 1/31/2014 12:51:52 AMLOL at the people attacking CFA because of this saying it's a "publicity stunt". This is one reason America/world is the way it is, if people do a good thing, other people immediately assume they had a reason and didn't do it out of kindness.
Haha the south
Yeah, [i]straight[/i] drivers. Lousy homophobes.
Why the hell would you abandon your cars? That just ensures the highways will be clogged until every single person returns to their vehicle.
>Birmingham That's roight oop there meet. Blooody well gud of um.
Frnksnbns, you achieved the impossible. You got a blue shielded thread.
Call this an antecedent, but they really are that nice at the 280 CFA, and they handle the huge volumes of commuters from Birmingham to Chelsea, and vice versa, regularly. Taking in a fraction of the people trapped on 280 is a cake walk compared to the rush then will get in a couple of hours now that the roads are mostly clear. Furthermore to suggest this is a plot by the higher ups in the company to make up for bigoted stances is childish and conspiratorial. Communication was dodgy due to phone line es being down and cell tower interference, and more importantly it does not absolve the company to any degree as demonstrated by the vitriol in this thread.
It bothers me people think this was a publicity stunt, and not just them being kind.
I almost went to work Tuesday morning, too. My gut told me not to go so I took a half day. That half day turned into me missing a citywide snowstorm cluster-blam!-. People at my job had to spend the night at the office or drive 11 hours home, while I just stayed in my home and got to sleep in my own bed and eat my own food. I feel kinda bad for them. Everyone's completely drained of energy at the office today. I dodged a major bullet. I cannot explain the ridiculous amounts of luck I had this week.
Probably CFA's PR team trying to make up for the whole anti-gay thing.
I don't think you would have posted this if they didn't announce that they were against homosexual marriage months ago. (Something along those lines, and it might have been years ago)
Things to respect them for: 1. Delicious food and drink 2. Being generous in such a manner.