Dead Island Feb 1
Toy Soldiers: Cold War Feb 16
Meanwhile PS+ has Payday 2, Remember Me and goddamn Metro: Last Light. I love both companies but good golly microsoft has been shit at this whole thing.
Edited by Charlemagne: 2/2/2014 2:11:38 AMHonestly, Microsoft is doing a very poor job with giving free games right now, but that's to be expected. They launched this right before the new consoles came out. I expect to see better games over the year since they're just getting started. [url=]Edit: Here's the history of PS+, and it's not glorious at all. They started with some games that no one wanted or everyone had played too, and they only offered one a month.[/url]
Edited by DEZARATH: 2/1/2014 2:08:24 PMI guess I should just knuckle down and buy Minecraft. Seriously I can't even think of any other game that is going to entertain me. Is it me or does it seem so boring lately? Grand Theft Auto: horrible grinding replaces total freedom and fun. Assassins Creed: Wall Climbing and killing targets is replaced by being an Pirate simulator. Halo: Horrible lag well stays in place. Firefight replaced with Spartan Ops... No replay value there. Story horribly depressing. MP has horrible maps and terrible leveling. COD: replaces COD with more COD, but with Aliens. BF: replaces Bad Company with bad launch management. Elder Scrolls: let's take open world solo RPG then dumb it down a little, but still it's incredibly beautiful then let's not merge the two together and instead let us charge an additional cost and fill it with ton of immature brats who will most certainely Congo line monsters into your camp as much as possible. Zombies, rail FPSs and anything else? Seriously it seems really depressing, but yesterday I saw Strike Vector and damn it's was cheerful looking, fun, and chaotic as hell. Of course it's PC only. Of course it is. Meanwhile back on topic. Toy Soldiers looks fun and I'll have to try that.
Pshhhhh ps4 gets outlast for February. But dead island definitely sound good
>MFW I download all the Games For Gold but don't play them
I want prey 2
I will say that PS+ does seem to have better games but how do they afford to give these games away. They have to give the devs some kind of compensation. Seeing how Payday 2 and Metro:LL ( which is a great game by the way) are only a year old and still selling at Gamestop for over $30. How can a company that is in danger of going bankrupt, afford to give them away? I am not being flip, I am just curious. I think at some point Xbox is gonna have to pull there heads out there ass and do something similar. I have enjoyed The Wolf Among Us & the tower defense game from a couple of months ago. Anyway just wondering what your thoughts are
Will probably actually get these. Only Games with Gold I've gotten so far is Fable 3 and played it about a half an hour.
Toy soldiers sounds decent.
That's what I get for buying Dead Island a few months back...
Damn, I was hoping for Oblivion and Far Cry 2...
I own Dead Island. It's a terrible game. I'd wait for Toy Soldiers: Cold War though.
Yesterday, I saw one of the Tomb Raider games for free. It looked like the new one. Idk if that was part of it or just a mess up.
Dead island looked cool. That's sweet they are giving us a couple free games for being on XBL.
Edited by Prurient: 1/31/2014 11:34:43 PMMore shitty games. Oh well, we got Sleeping Dogs, which is pretty fun I suppose. PS+ is still miles and ahead better
Yet PS+ is Getting Metro:Last Light,Payday 2, and Remember me. Yo Microsoft, get your shit together.
Meh. I've already played Dead Island with my friends and I have no interest in Toy Soldiers. So far, I haven't really played any of the GWG games. Except for Shoot Many Robots. That was fun at first, but it didn't have any replay value for me.
Looks like i'm in for some jolly cooperation this weekend.
Already have Dead Island on my 360 and PC, but I haven't played Toy Soldiers yet so that should be fun.
It's getting better! Not quite PS+ standards, but still better.
Is dead island free to download or is it just discounted with GWG?
Cool, I sold my Dead Island awhile back but I wouldn't mind getting it again for free and Toy Soliders will be awesome.
I don't want Dead Island, game is complete shit. So glad I have both consoles.
Wow I'm actually pretty excited. I have to remember to download that tomorrow, thanks for the heads up!
Edited by Toa Axis: 1/31/2014 6:13:12 PM:/ I thought they were learning with Sleepy Dawgs but apparently not.
Edited by Neckbeard Fedora: 1/31/2014 8:26:19 PM[quote]I got to admit, its getting better [/quote]