Good mail sack, nice update, thanks DeeJ!
I also wanted to say that everybody here needs to lay off DeeJ a bit. Last week there were some colorful comments about the weekly update. Those of you that whined like little babies need to grow up. There are ,in my opinion anyway, two main reasons we don't get ALL the details when the game is still in development.
One: major thunder stealer, imagination is part of marketing and part of the fun. If they answered every single little question posted, it wouldn't be as much fun as discovering it on launch day, and for that reason I hope they keep some things from the beta, make it even better on sept 9.
Two: Strategic planning, what if they put in an idea that they announced, everybody in the community got stoked for it, and then somewhere along the line they decided that they couldn't do it for one reason or another, balancing, gameplay in general, big issues, whatever the reason, they (after bowing to every info request in this hypothetical situation) would have to take time to explain why, listen to the whiners asking for it back, or badmouthing them or doubting their abilities etc. It's just a bad idea all around to detail [i]every[/i] aspect of the game before it's finished.
Lastly one final topic (for anybody with enough patience to still be reading this, I applaud you), while using Halo as a reference point is a very good idea, those of you worrying about similarities...just stop. Halo under Bungie's command was amazing, but you need to trust them that this project is going to leave Halo in the dust, Bungie learned a lot with every game they made, so you can be pretty sure they're taking the good ideas, making them better, and converting the bad ideas into virtual representations called Vex, Cabal, etc. for us to obliterate when it's time for us to pick up the controller and step into our guardian's shoes.
For the trolls, this will be food, for those that agree with me, this will be giving you a fuzzy feeling while you imagine a patriotic overtone in the background, for those that disagree with me and your [b][i]still[/i][/b] reading this, congratulations you've just wasted your time reading my opinion, post your lame reply and move on, thank you.
[spoiler]You can have your soap box back now.[/spoiler]
Edited by Oh GodLike One: 2/2/2014 4:06:39 AM[quote]Good mail sack, nice update, thanks DeeJ![/quote]Someone wants some free codes ? [quote]reasons we don't get ALL the details when the game is still in development.[/quote]Unless you're invited to an exclusive presentation of the product. And you must be naive to think that this close to beta that the game is still subject to major change. [quote]imagination is part of marketing and part of the fun[/quote]So you mean marketing hype ... but too much of that leads to consumer ambivalence, which is the state you are seeing in the abrasive feelback to these "Updates". People are tiring of the tease, of questions being danced around and let unanswered ... and the pure manipulation of questions being presented. [quote]Strategic planning, what if they put in an idea that they announced, everybody in the community got stoked for it, and then somewhere along the line they decided that they couldn't do it for one reason or another[/quote]Again your naivety is showing loud and clear ... the game is approaching beta, there is very little that will be changing. Did you take part in the Reach beta - you should know how very little got fixed/changed as a result of that process ... so little that bungie removed the beta forum because gamers kept linking to items which had [b]NOT[/b] been changed (and many of which had a large set of detail on how to reproduce the bug). [quote]post your lame reply and move on[/quote]And the troll shows his prejudice ... and thus make all his ranting just a pointless echo.
We'll said sir, glad to have fed your appetite
Here here!
So... if a person doesn't agree with your opinion, they're a troll? Aren't you -blam!-ing arrogant...
Nope, said those that don't agree with me wasted time reading [i]my opinion[/i] but you have every right to disagree. I only mention trolls because they exist and would like to just make fun. Not trying to sound arrogant here, so I apologize if I did to you.
Totally agree Drickao....but I should imagine many of the so called 'Trolls' are just frustrated at the delays and ever growing wait. They are just sounding off and im sure DeeJ can look after himself. Just ignore any trash talkers and let the mods deal with any that cross the line....otherwise you just put yourself in the firing line and end up enduring pointless arguments. Peace bro.
Na dude, I may be a bit of a troll myself, it's kinda funny to see people get pissed sometimes :P