Dead Island Feb 1
Toy Soldiers: Cold War Feb 16
Edited by DEZARATH: 2/1/2014 2:08:24 PMI guess I should just knuckle down and buy Minecraft. Seriously I can't even think of any other game that is going to entertain me. Is it me or does it seem so boring lately? Grand Theft Auto: horrible grinding replaces total freedom and fun. Assassins Creed: Wall Climbing and killing targets is replaced by being an Pirate simulator. Halo: Horrible lag well stays in place. Firefight replaced with Spartan Ops... No replay value there. Story horribly depressing. MP has horrible maps and terrible leveling. COD: replaces COD with more COD, but with Aliens. BF: replaces Bad Company with bad launch management. Elder Scrolls: let's take open world solo RPG then dumb it down a little, but still it's incredibly beautiful then let's not merge the two together and instead let us charge an additional cost and fill it with ton of immature brats who will most certainely Congo line monsters into your camp as much as possible. Zombies, rail FPSs and anything else? Seriously it seems really depressing, but yesterday I saw Strike Vector and damn it's was cheerful looking, fun, and chaotic as hell. Of course it's PC only. Of course it is. Meanwhile back on topic. Toy Soldiers looks fun and I'll have to try that.