Backup link to the video in case the one provided above does not work:
[i]Direct access to the Kevlar quote in question which Bill so inelegantly directly sidestepped/avoided:[/i]
"PH: They are here among us and I'm not afraid because in most cases, as far as technology is concerned, they are light years ahead of us, and we have learned a lot of things from them. A lot of the things we use today we got from them, you know -- led lights and microchips and [b][u]Kevlar vests[/u][/b] and all sorts things that we got from their technology and we could get a lot more too, especially in the fields of medicine and agriculture if we would go about it peacefully. But, I think, maybe some of our people are more interested in getting the military technology, and I think that's wrong-headed, and that's one of the things that we are going to have to change, because we're going to have to work together, all of us, everywhere on the planet. "
There's something about these nutters that always strikes me as a blatantly flawed premise in their thinking: [quote]We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we might use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well. [/quote] Yes, Aliens capable of interstellar travel, and thus capable of destroying our entire planet by essentially throwing rocks at us (accelerate a large asteroid to a fraction of the speed of light, aim it at Earth, and there'd be nothing we could do) are afraid of our weapons that are likely to have orders of magnitude less energy output than their engines alone (assuming they got here in a reasonable amount of time). Whenever I see a group claim that aliens are afraid of or are even interested in our nukes, it strikes me as the projection of what is so obviously a completely human concern that I have trouble realizing why these people can't see that. Not that those groups have any credibility anyways, I'm just saying even their sci-fi fantasies are shit.
Edited by NaLo: 2/4/2014 7:09:33 PM
I guess he'd had enough of talking to retards after the Ken Ham debate.
Is this bait or are you just stupid?
I can't understand the video because of the awful quality and you failed to explain what exactly Bill did wrong here.
What a gaffing gaffe you gaffing gaffer. Gaffe gaffe.
wtf u on bout yo
Wait, so he believes Alien intervention was needed to discover a material created by mixing two relatively common compounds together?
1. Don't cite RT. They have Alex goddamn Jones as a pundit for Bhudda's sake. 2. Assuming the question that was asked was the thing you quoted Nye had every right to shrug it off. Assuming the answer he gave was that "Conspiracy theories are the easy way out" he answered it in the way he should have. Namely, a polite way of saying,"Don't bring that bullshit to me."
I didn't hear Bill say anything about kevlar being obtained from aliens. He said the opposite, in fact. The asker said that. What the hell are you trying to pull on us?
"I have the opinion that conspiracy theories are the easy way out" is what I believe Mr. Nye said in response to the Kevlar question. That being said, he's got a point, it's always the easiest to just ask questions, but working towards the answers instead of expecting them is the best course of action.
Sounds like he didn't really understand what he was being asked. I don't think he intentionally side-stepped anything.
Holy balls.
Edited by Cultmeister: 2/4/2014 5:12:17 PMNow, i like to think i have a pretty open mind about this kind of stuff, but that guy doesn't seem to know exactly what he's talking about. Anyway is there a transcript for that first video; i can't hear a word of it.
Opinions thoughts