Dear Bungie, I am really excited for your upcoming title Destiny; but there is one thing I'd like to know? Will there be stealth options? Like sneaking. Because in the few games I've every played, (Skyrim) I've always been known by my friends, and by myself; to be a stealthy assassin. I wanted to know if this would be a "thing" in Destiny. I would really be at home if I were able to slit the throats of my enemies, and sneak in the shadows. Just like old times. Thanks Bungie. Sincerely, Matthew. C . Smeal
One exotic sniper rifle not only cloaks you while crouched but also if u shoot ammo on the ground you collect it that way too. Epic sniper
I'm not about cloaking. I'm talking about actually being able to sneak, like Skyrim or Dishonored.
Good sneak knows how to move unseen w without any help.
I hope so. Sometimes the old point and shoot method becomes dull.
Bungie has told us that your guardian will be able to experiment with different approaches to a situation, including the option of stealth.
The Hunter class focus is stealth