They're coming, they are updating some much asked for items on the One, specifically items that Gamers in particular have been asking for frequently.
[url=]Read it here.[/url]
And there's more updates in the future. Good stuff!
Edited by Yonko: 2/5/2014 7:42:50 PMNo recent players list yet?! SMFH... How was this not even incorporated to begin with?
Those updates sound fantastic. I do hope they can improve the youtube app though, because its layout is horrible right now and it's my biggest complaint. You essentially have to have a controller to navigate, which is a pain since I've come to rely on Kinect for that.
The battery life feature is definitely needed. If you have the play and charge kit then the controller will just shut off when the battery is drained, whereas with regular batteries you would lose rumble first which indicated you had about an hour or two left until the controller shuts off.
Anyone here actually use USB keyboard on xbox one?
Good... man they really needed to add that storage option, that was driving me nuts. The battery life indicator is also a nice little feature as well that was needed. What I'm most excited about though is this: "[i]...added a boot progress indicator so you can better track updates while they load.[/i]" Now it will be WAY easier to tell how far along an update is going to one of your games or apps. That was one of the most annoying things by far to me. The March 4th update; in addition to fixing the party system they really need to add notifications so when your friends come online. Maybe even a notifications options buttons so you can control which notifications you receive and don't receive. Also, ADD DOLBY DIGITAL SUPPORT ERMARGERD! They can do all this before TitanFall and I will be really pleased.
There's a Titanfall update? MS is wanking itself off harder over this than even H3.
I'm glad they're finally putting this stuff in. I have to say, though, the battery life indicator and the storage manager should have been on the console at launch.
Yes finally! Can't wait to see what all the other updates will be!
Storage management is the big one for me. I'm excited.
Less than I expected, but a good start.
While these are all good, I don't really have any problems with what most people say they have problems with. Except the storage. But I welcome this all.
Edited by Gingers Unite: 2/5/2014 2:25:26 PMHuzzah! I really wanted a battery indicator
For a second I was confused because of the lack of hate, then I remembered you like the Xbox One (I do too.)