5 + 1 * 8 - 7 * 45 - 100 * 400 - 300 + 700 + 1276 * 49 - 3
I'll give you a prize if you get it right.
"A shitpost a day keeps the doctor away." -Mr. doctor
5 + 1 * 8 - 7 * 45 - 100 * 400 - 300 + 700 + 1276 * 49 - 3 = X (Where X = 5 + 1 * 8 - 7 * 45 - 100 * 400 - 300 + 700 + 1276 * 49 - 3)
Edited by Predator5791: 2/8/2014 5:38:27 AMI say bout' tree fiddy.
Edited by IIx luke xIII: 2/8/2014 10:08:20 AM[i] [/i]
Looks like bacon to me.
Edited by Leeroy Jenkins: 2/8/2014 4:43:14 AM[quote]5 + 1 * 8 - 7 * 45 - 100 * 400 - 300 + 700 + 1276 * 49 - 3 5+8-315-40,000-300+700+62,524-3 13-40,615+63,224-3 63,237-40,618 22,549[/quote] [b]22,549[/b], was I close? Probably not, I didn't use any calculator... I think I'm off by 70 (22,619)
( ) What are they?
Let me guess, the F- is the prize?
5 + 1 * 8 - 7 * 45 - 100 * 400 - 300 + 700 + 1276 * 49 - 3 = WHY DO YOU KEEP GIVING PEOPLE FAILING GRADES? Besides, there is no F- on a grading scale. Unless I'm in the wrong class >.>
google solves all of my problems [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=5+%2B+1+*+8+-+7+*+45+-+100+*+400+-+300+%2B+700+%2B+1276+*+49+-+3&rlz=1C1ASUM_enUS502US502&oq=5+%2B+1+*+8+-+7+*+45+-+100+*+400+-+300+%2B+700+%2B+1276+*+49+-+3&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8]22619[/url] Bring some higher level math next time. Then people would actually have to you know, figure it out. Before they could pop pieces into the internet.
Edited by Dayman: 2/7/2014 8:13:50 AM5 + 1 * 8 - 7 * 45 - 100 * 400 - 300 + 700 + 1276 * 49 - 3 5 + 8 - 315 - 4000 - 300 + 700 + 62524 - 3 5 + 8 13 - 315 -302 - 4000 -4302 - 300 -4602 + 700 -3902 + 62524 58622 - 3 58619 58619?
I either did something really, really wrong or I did something really, really right because I got -103,829
I love the taste of cherry pie. This, of course, well, you need to do?
Do your own homework.
Wolfraaaaam Alphaaaaa! 22619
Edited by Laser: 2/7/2014 5:08:25 AM23,249.
22,619. Re-calculated it.
Edited by AnAverageGamer: 2/7/2014 5:04:03 AMGoogle told me it's 22619. I'll accept Google's prize on its behalf. Or it's bacon. That works too I guess.