Ok everyone time for a fun topic! Like all great legends our Guardians needs Sponsors! For example: RedBull, Verizon, etc. I'm thinking my Guardian would be Sponsored by "Motts" because my guardian runs on Apple Juice! Hell Yeah! (And by Orbit Gum) This is a fun, comedic topic, in no way meant to be serious, so have fun and be creative! Who's gonna sponsor [b]your[/b] guardian?
Doritos and mountain dew
Sponsored by brazzers lol
Sponsored by Nerf. Making Guardians' guns suck for more than 50 years.
This dick
Little Debbie.. I think I'm addicted to honey buns
Hunters are supported by tampax ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Head and Shoulders.
Pimp C and Bun B.
Sponsored by Huggies because I sh*t on kids.
Red Bull they're my favorite F1 team. Actually I made my own clan tag just so my nameplate could say Infiniti Red Bull Racing.
Pizza Hut. Cheese stuffed crust.
Lay's chips has fueled most of my destiny sessions, they may as well start paying me back by sponsoring me
Sponsored by Har Mar Superstar :) Just look him up.
The Exo Hunter of the Crucible, sponsored by Intel, Razer, and MadCatz
My warlock is sponsored by Future War Cult, their insignia is proudly displayed on his helmet. My Titan is sponsored by Dawn Dish soap, hence the strongest bubbles.
Ky jelly because when i pvp i like to oil up a couple of asses and do some plowing of my own
Red bull. I'm always on the move and energized in the game regardless if it's boring or not.
Xurkins child support ... We gon find you Xur
Kitkat because im always on a break during ROC strikes
Medical Marijuana and Swisher Sweets
Edited by Moonlit Guardian M45: 1/11/2015 3:06:33 AMmy guardian get stuff form lord shaxx
Carlsberg...... Because if carlsberg made guardians........... Lol
Agent of the nine