Ok everyone time for a fun topic! Like all great legends our Guardians needs Sponsors! For example: RedBull, Verizon, etc. I'm thinking my Guardian would be Sponsored by "Motts" because my guardian runs on Apple Juice! Hell Yeah! (And by Orbit Gum) This is a fun, comedic topic, in no way meant to be serious, so have fun and be creative! Who's gonna sponsor [b]your[/b] guardian?
My whorelock is sponsored by PLAYBOY
Coke and pepsi because -blam!- decisions
Air Jordan because I get mad air yo.
I'm pretty sure we are all sponsored by NERF
newcastle beer :)
My sponsors would be Yuengling, Colt, and Trojan. Best American beer, quality firearms, and all the condoms I need for when I run the nuts to Atheon and the other assorted space trash in our fair galaxy. Don't want dem harpies!!
No one that I know of, however I would be more then willing to wear Redbull themed armor and weapons if they are going to send me a check every month. HAHA!
The most interesting man in the world... And dos Equis!
Commander Shepard says I'm his favorite Guardian on the Tower.
My warlock is sponsored by under armor gotta look sexy while i run amoke and copenhagen nothing feels as good a some long cut after a fire fight ummmm long cut..
Morgan freeman I think I won this one
My guardian is sponsored by..........Please purchase dlc package 1 to view this message
Viagra, Because I go hard.
Brazzers.com sponsors my titan
He eats Engrams for breakfast, and always has time to explain why he has time to explain. He is the most interesting Guardian in the world. Dos Equis.
Soul glo
I will not bow to any sponsor...
Jake from statefarm got me covered.
Edited by Vegan Superhero: 10/31/2014 3:45:19 AMIm sponsered by bud wiser" cause being drunk and killing aliens mesh together like mac and cheese." Copyrigthed.
Sponsored by Colgate for that Chatterwhite.
this threat is an insult to all the pro gamers who actually are sponsered, like me. reported