Skyrim's price on Steam, before any sales or discounts, is $39.99 (originally $60, not $50). On Amazon the price is [url=]$24.99[/url]. It's [url=]$37.99[/url] for the PS3 version at Gamestop, and [url=]$39.99[/url] for the Xbox 360 and PC version.
And yet, the price of DLC hasn't fallen proportionally. To experience all the content puts you at 212.5% of the retail price of the game, and the 3 DLC's released so far now cost more than the actual 200+ hour (average 75 hours on PC) game, each addition adding roughly 5 hours of content.
So, the next DLC needs to be under $10, and all of the DLC already released needs to be dropped in price by 50%. Agree? Disagree?
Edited by Fresh Pancake: 2/13/2014 9:42:52 PMThey are still making Skyrim DLC? Edit: Saw the date, disregard this.