What would you say/do if 343i came out and said that they were going to FULLY REMAKE Halo 2, putting "their own twist on it" by including custom loadouts, Armor Abilities, and making a final bonus mission that includes Prometheans?
I know this sounds a bit silly, but seeing how they made that pile of horseshit called Halo 4, it's not really that far-fetched.
Wouldn't matter to me a bit. After the messy abortion that is Halol 4, I won't buy [u]anything[/u] Halo as long as 3fail3 holds the reigns. Nope, I doubt I'd ever hear about it if it weren't for the 3fail3 Defense Force constantly posting shit about Halol 4 updates and other shit.
It only make me want it even less then I do now.
I suppose it would only add on to the shit that Halo 2 already is. [quote]I know this sounds a bit silly, but seeing how they made that pile of horseshit called Halo 4, it's not really that far-fetched.[/quote]It really is far-fetched.
Clickbait, title is clickbait.
Is that title not violating CoC?
Clickbait level: HaloFollower
I wouldn't buy it. Sounds like it'd be terrible.
GUIZ halofolowur hear so 2day i hear rumur about slayer with ability armors and armor abilities. i think it great if 343 inDUStries made slaYER 1000vs1000 leave ur comments BElow halo 2 annivursuree should have AAs and sprint and loadouts PLEASE 343 PLEAZE USE HALO 4 MULTIPLAYER enGINE for AnVERSERIEE dont forget perks and replace midship with sword base this time oh and check out my pyramid schemes
Wow suddenly i feel sick
I'd straight up kill myself.
I know Halo 2 wasn't the most polished game, but that "twist" would ruin it even more. No doubt they'd put the H4 Master Chief armor into it.
I'd say to go ahead and release it just for the Xbox One and not Xbox 360, because I wouldn't want anything to do with it at that point.
Your title.... GTFO this site
Oh, it's one of these threads again, where a controversial topic is stated in the title just for clicks, before the OP says ITS NOT ACTUALLY HAPPENING, CALM UR TITS.
Edited by LH Justin: 2/14/2014 5:55:24 PMYour thread title made me go from really happy to really disappointed in .2 seconds. I hate you. On the original topic I'd be happy to have the original campaign. Plus a bonus mission? -blam!- yeah! Although it wouldn't bother me too much if they changed the multiplayer (considering I enjoyed Halo 4) It'd be kind of like violating something sacred, so not a good idea.
I didn't buy an Xbone so I don't really care to be honest. Halo is kill.
Edited by BaconShelf: 2/14/2014 4:31:07 PMWell, considering that a true remake is the original game with fancy textures, and I don't give a shit about multiplayer... I'm happy. And they wouldn't include Prometheans without declaring said level non canon as they actually know what they're doing with the lore.
Not buy it.
[quote]I know this sounds a bit silly, but seeing how they made that pile of horseshit called Halo 4, it's not really that far-fetched.[/quote] Looks like your still nursing a massive hate boner there for 343 over H4.
Another pointless thread to incite more pointless hate for 343 and H4. Go away OP.
I would actually applaud them for taking the time and money and doing something. Instead of just getting Certain Affinity or something to update the visual then just profit of it without doing anything themselves.
Pretty much just made me not like you. You know, with the getting my hopes up thing. Oh well. This is why I never leave the Flood.
I would cry a little inside... and ALOT outside.
it would be even better