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copying the Mustang yet again?
The 2016 Camaro ^^^^ (artist rendering)
I just see A LOT of the 2015 [url=https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1479125_683555965008170_755951106_n.jpg]Mustang's[/url] headlights and grille (inverted).
At least the [url=http://media.caranddriver.com/images/media/510773/srt-barracuda-updated-inline-photo-514514-s-original.jpg]2015 Barracuda[/url] looks unique, though I don't see any Barracuda/Challenger in it.
Needs a way more aggressive front end. It looks like the Cruze's front end got squished up.