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Just curious. Some people don't see the difference, apparently. So, what makes them different?
Interracial Marriage Bans are put in place to prevent people of different races from marrying. Gay Marriage Bans are put in place to prevent people of the same sex from marrying. The primary difference is that sex and race are not the same thing, and hence the application of one law would likely only be applicable to one group, with the exception of Interracial Gay Marriages. Such marriages would likely be considered "right out" by those putting the law in place, and therefore mentioning them would seem to be stating the obvious. The reasoning behind both bans is also highly divergent, as Interracial Marriage Bans may be enacted for the same reasoning (depending on how the group in power views a given race) that Bestiality isn't allowed, or, in more modern times, it may be enacted for the sake of preserving genetic heritage. Since Gay Marriages aren't likely to result in offspring possessing the genetics of both parents, such concerns as those applicable to Interracial Marriage aren't, in fact, applicable here. These bans are much more likely to be justified by the fact that such marriages challenge the dissenter's view of what marriage is, as well as immorality that some may see as being inherent to the union.