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Edited by Raptor: 2/19/2014 8:26:29 PM

The Last of Us: Left Behind thoughts?

What were your thoughts on it and what was your favorite part? I personally loved every minute of it, and it honestly made me pretty damn sad. I mean I know what happens to Ellie but the way it was presented was nothing short of amazing, I was pleasantly surprised when we went back to Colorado in the beginning as well. The portions with just Riley and Ellie I found puzzlingly fun because I had no idea how enjoyable it would be to just run around and act like a a video game. The Colorado portion was a welcome addition to the story, I always find it fun to be able to play as Ellie in combat situations. She feels more vulnerable and you act way more carefully. Letting the infected loose on fellow human beings was a nice touch which added a great dimension onto the combat. On survivor those portions were pretty damn hard and I found myself dieing quite a bit. [spoiler]As for the kissing scene, I like the dimensions it adds to Ellie, continually building on an already fantastic character and quite possibly my favorite of all time. That and how shockingly rare it is to have such a relationship between two teenage girls, in all my time in playing video games I have never seen a story quite like it. You can think whatever you want be it teenagers finding out who they are, maybe she is a lesbian, maybe she is bi, who cares? Thats the beauty of it, it is two teenage girls finding out who they are and growing up in a time me and you could never begin to understand.[/spoiler]

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  • In case you wanted to buy the game for a 3rd time, The Last of Us 'GOTY edition' is coming out next month. I don't know about you guys, but I'll wait until it comes out on Netflix.

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  • As many may know from my video review last year, The Last of Us was incredible for me. I loved everything from its exhilarating opening, to its bitter ending. Not only was it the best acting, story, environmental narrative driving story that I have ever seen since Bioshock, but I really dug its brutality and atmospheric simulation feel. So did it really surprise me that Naughty Dog has once again made me its bitch? No—not really. Many story based DLC packs had great ideas on paper, but the short creation time usually hinders its overall outcome. Now, Naught Dog as far as I know has never released story based DLC and that really did not worry me. Because Left Behind was obviously shown the same attention, love, and care that their main games get and it shows from the very beginning. Left Behind serves as a prologue to the main story with Ellie and her friend Riley going out for a good time in the Boston QZ. Now, if you already beat the game then you know what happens and why. If not, THEN DO NOT PLAY THIS DLC FIRST!!!! The game time jumps from moment to moment to the past and present during the Winter time in the main game. What is going on in the Winter? I won’t spoil that for those of you who have not played, and yadda yadda. If you have played, then you know what happened in Colorado. The DLC still showcases a beautiful game with Naughty Dogs ludicrous attention to detail and sound design, I got so sucked in that I started to shiver during the cold moments. Not kidding! The gameplay features a new dynamic, the infected are now mixed in with the Humans and you can use them to kill off the Humans, or vice versa if they have the numbers. While that new dynamic is a great addition, the overall feel of the combat is forced. You have no idea why the Human guys are there other than to serve the new idea. There is really no reason they are there at all other than cause reasons… The infected would have been find by itself, but the Human guys are just there. Anywho, when you back in the main attraction with the girls. You will get the feeling that they have a history, their dialogue is natural, very well acted and even humorous. Exploring every cranny together reveals many options for speaking, and you even get to take some pictures together. We may know how it all ends, but it is the road to that moment that counts and it certainly is effective. Short it may be, as well as overpriced. But the quality is fantastic, and it serves as an essential plot point to the main game. SCORE: 5 out of 5

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  • Edited by AngryBrute: 2/20/2014 1:15:48 AM
    Shall I post my thoughts or a link to the thread.

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  • My thoughts: Where's the [i]last of walking dead season two[/i]

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    3 Replies
    • ^ My reaction to the DLC. I absolutely loved it, I understand that it was Naughty Dog's first story DLC and i think they pulled it off beautifully. Some interesting puzzle pieces with a top-notch storyline, and the writing for both Ellie and Riley was fan-fcking-tastic. Genuinely poignant at times, and I loved the bit where Ellie reads out the puns. Also, I find it hilarious that with everything that happens in TLOU, the hardest thing to believe for some people is Ellie's preference for girls... And the people who claim that the kiss was "platonic", yeah right - please tell me how often you kiss your platonic best friends (of the same gender) on the lips that way. The guy who animated the scene outright said that Ellie is gay. Having queer female protagonists and queer female POCs in video games is a pretty huge step up, seeing people try to chalk it down and justify it as something other than what it is is both hilarious and depressing.

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      2 Replies
      • Man, hearing this stuff makes me want to play it.

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        • Bump for feels!

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