For those of you without a new gen console, would you consider getting one or would you be more interested in one with a Destiny theme? or one that comes packaged with Destiny and other goodies? I'm waiting on getting the xbone specifically for Destiny so if they release one I'll definitely be getting it unless it's ugly
I would get a Destiny bundle in a heart beat. As a matter of fact, I am currently saving some of my tax return so I can pre order the PS4 bundle if/when they announce it.
My wallet would grow arms and strangle me before I clicked the order button.
That would be great IMO
Why would Microsoft make one for Destiny? It isn't even an exclusive.
Most likely, my 360 is so old it still has the 20gb HDD and I believe it will break any time soon so I would love to get a new console, maybe another 360 with a bigger HDD or if like you said, a destiny themed next gen console.
Ill get the Xbox one regardless but I'd love a Destiny themed one.