Yes, that's right, tell us your nicknames (if any) IRL and maybe even backstory? ^-^
Mine is DJ Toaster Strudel ;w; ehehe... The girlfriend gave me that nickname since she liked PopTarts and I liked Toaster Strudels... So it somehow lead to us giving us DJ whatever. Heh, what about you guise?
Also, she gave me Naru, while I called her Natu. x3
Toejam. I got a bunch of really bad ingrowns that were severely infected and oozing pus. And it looked like infected jam. So, it stuck and the boys on the team kept calling me it even after they graduated and I switched schools. I also am called Hernie by the boys on my team up in Michigan. All of my friends from the team call me that. It's a play on my last name. Hernandez. Shortened to Hernie.