I try. Oh my god I try. But I can't seem to lift very much at all.
I get my three meals a day, maybe not the healthiest meals, but meals none the less. I have been going to the gym for almost a year and have seen little to no progress. I don't get stronger, I just get more and more tired and exhausted.
What am I doing wrong?!
It depends. I suggest 5x5 stronglifts if you want to refresh your routine because it caters to any style of lifting. If you're training just for strength, just eat whatever and however much you want. If it's a bodybuilding split you want to follow, watch your diet. [u]Do not[/u] overload your brain and stress out over what you're eating with IIFYM, low carb diets, etc. just stick to the basics. Some good YouTube channels for advice: OmarIsuf, CanditoTrainingHQ, VicsNatural, Bios3Training. Weighted calisthenics are excellent for building a strong body too :-)