Or will they commit genocide against them a second time?
[quote]With the Sochi Olympics over, the fear that Russia may intervene militarily is now being given new currency by many here.
The Russian media has depicted the Maidan protesters as thugs and thieves attacking government forces as opposed to the other way around.
And late Monday, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, a close Putin confidante, was quoted by Russian news agencies referring to these latest Ukrainian developments as "an armed mutiny."
"The legitimacy of a whole number of organs of power that function there raises great doubts," Medvedev said.
"Some of our foreign, Western partners think otherwise. This is some kind of aberration of perception when people call legitimate what is essentially the result of an armed mutiny."[/quote]
tl;dr russia is buttmad because ukrainians don't want to be -blam!-ed in the ass by russia again, as was the case during holodomor
[url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ukraine-says-russian-troops-near-airports-coast-guard-base-1.2554798]Apparently not.[/url]