Haha that's cool! If you don't mind what's your GT? Mine's The Grifshot. Add me if you feelz it:) If krilling is what it takes to play those games, let the krilling commence!
Evolve is the game being made by Turtle Rock studios right? That game looks pretty sick. Yah same, I'm mainly pumped for ESO and Destiny, but The Division and Watch Dogs look pretty sweet too. Are you planning to get Titanfall?
That's pretty sweet, my first account was made in 2008 I think, and this one has been around since 2010. Same as you I've never really posted that much, just lurked around in the shadows. But lately I've started to come back due to Destiny, yah I've seen you posting quite a bit.
I do plan on getting Titanfall, but also Thief, Destiny, and a bunch of other newly released games so it may take me awhile before I can afford them. I'm at work right now but my GT is my screen name. I also think my fiends list is full so I'll have to make room later hahaaa oops
Yah I gotchu, have you played Dishonored? Thief looks like the exact same style game, so I think Id like to try it out. K thanks,haha it's all good
I have played and continue to play the living shit out of Dishonored It's mah soul game. Thief has a lot of game play similarities from what I can see but better character dev. Not that Dishonored needed it. Bethesda and them did a good job of Char Dev via littered notes and lore
Haha no way same here! I totally agree. So do you think I should get Thief if I really loved Dishonored?
I haven't played Thief yet, but it looks good enough and it's a remake/sequel thang I imagine it requires patience and staying out of parties so you can listen to hints Those types of games are pretty strictly solo ala mono
Yah, well if or when you get the chance to play it, could you please let me know how it is?
Oh shit I forgot to add you. I'll do so when I get home and even put a reminder on my phone. I spent the money I was gonna use on Thief to buy assassins creed 3 //covers face in shame
Itz ok Smi :) really cuh? Haha you gon and get AC3 over Thief? C'mon Smi, das weak sauce :(