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3/2/2014 12:49:03 AM

Who Thinks Cannabis Should Be Legal?





Don't Care


Do you think marijuana should be legal or illegal?

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  • Doesn't matter to me, but it smells godawful

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    2 Replies
    • I'm all for the legalization of most currently illegal drugs. Wouldn't affect me, though. I'd never touch any of the stuff myself.

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      3 Replies
      • I say keep it illegal. Potheads piss me off. We don't need anymore of them in my school than there already are.

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by K1lLL ST3AL: 3/8/2014 3:22:39 AM
          Attempting to keep Cannabis off the streets is both failing, and spends a massive amount of tax on something no more harmless(some would say significantly less harmless) than Alcohol, when it could be spent something more useful. Similar regulations to Alcohol with 21+ years old, no excessive public intoxication, no DUI, etc.

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        • Needs to be sectioned off. I'm not talking just Weed-sections. Shits stinks too much to just be sectioned off. I'm talking ventilated weed-booths.

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          • Edited by SuperIrish: 3/3/2014 7:50:24 PM
            I'd say legalize it, with taxes and laws similar to alcohol. Other than it being safer for the user (as it would have to go through some sort of regulating authority to be sold), the revenue generated can provide to offset the negatives that come with it (such as driving under the influence and hospitalization/rehabilitation costs, seeing as it happens regardless of the current laws anyway). And I suppose (but can't provide any evidence of) it would put a dent in crime if drug dealers can't sell it to fund other things if it can be bought safer (and purer?) in a shop or pharmacy. Hell, the way I see it, why not legalize all drugs with high taxes and all that, seeing as it happens anyway and people choose whether to damage themselves with it (depending on the drug), only then the government can get some sort of payback from damages caused by selling it themselves.

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            • Anyone who votes "Illegal" doesn't know what personal responsibility is.

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              1 Reply
              • Absolutely legal, it's non addictive and has very minor affects on the body compared to alcohol and tobacco. Recreational use of marijuana on private property doesn't infringe upon anybody's rights or freedom. There is no reason for it to be illegal.

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              • Edited by User1234: 3/3/2014 12:14:17 PM
                It's bad and awful and you shouldn't do it, but if people want to damage themselves, then I guess they can. The line of where we have to protect people is the question... Such as high driving, giving others contact buzzes, all that...

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                12 Replies
                • I personally don't like the idea of smoking pot, However the money that the state can make from it could be a very good thing for our communities

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                • There was a car crash in Colorado involving 100+ cars. Shit like that happens when you make weed legal. [spoiler]I don't really care for marijuana because I have no reason to do it either. [/spoiler]

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                  4 Replies
                  • I voted "Don't Care" since I don't get high anymore. So, it really doesn't effect me. Though, I do believe that so long as its regulated like alcohol (ie must be 21, no driving while intoxicated etc..) there really isn't any effect on society one way or another. The Teetollers had their day, and prohibition only creates crime. I would vote to legalize it, and then tax the holy shit out of the sales.

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                  • As long as they aren't stinking up public facilities I don't care.

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                  • I think that it's up to the individual what they want to put into their body. But I don't think I'll be consuming any.

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                  • Wooo Colorado represent!

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                    3 Replies
                    • It's already legal here in Washington. :) But I don't smoke it so...

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                      • I don't care as long as its like cigarettes and can only be smoked in certain places.

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                      • I don't care as long as its like cigarettes and can only be smoked in certain places.

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                      • If I am legally allowed to drink, then I should be legally allowed to smoke if I want

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                      • Edited by Lil_Peace_Doe: 3/3/2014 5:20:56 AM
                        The only problem I have with Weed (and drugs in general) is that Americas appetite for it supports the Cartels.

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                        • Edited by MR E0S: 3/2/2014 11:11:08 PM
                          This is in regards to the comment suggesting there was a study done on 1,000's of participants who all said their first "Illicit Drug" was cannabis. If tobacco, at the time this study was done... was considered illegal. That probably would have been their answer. But when I ask you.. what was your first drug of choice? How many of you would say tobacco? NONE OF YOU. Because society as a whole doesn't consider tobacco a drug, so thus most people would not put that up as an answer. But, nicotene is a drug. If you want to label anything as a gateway, start with tobacco. [spoiler]My personal history: Tobacco Cannabis Alcohol Meth LSD Shrooms Started tobacco because I was hanging out with the wrong crowd in highschool, naturally moved up to cannabis. Tried alcohol but moved back to cannabis. The choice was simple; get sick and throw up or get happy and hungry. Meth was just a little 2 week binge expirement with the neighbor that I quickly realized to get the hell away from. LSD was just about the same scenario and figured shrooms would be the safer alternative. But then I found out, that I am completely immune to the effects of Shrooms...... so there's that. How do I know this? Because I took twice as much as everyone else in the room and they all thought the walls were melting. ME? I literally, got nothing from it.. not even tracers. I was pissed. So I'm stuck with cannabis. What have I learned from all of this? STAY THE -blam!- AWAY FROM METH! Unless you want to see how quickly that downward spiral can go. [/spoiler]

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                          3 Replies
                          • If it follows the same laws as tobacco, sure

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                            • I do

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                            • From what I've seen, it should be illegal, even if it is no worse for you than drinking or smoking. People always cry "it's not a gateway drug!" But I've seem so many people start their decline into drug abuse with marijuana. You guys can pull up your fancy statistics, and links to "scientific articles" saying its harmless, but this "gateway" thing happens. I'm not going to waste my time in a pissing contest with anyone about it, it's just my two cents.

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                              43 Replies
                              • Weed doesn't cause potential violence like alcohol and certain other drugs so why not?

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                              • IMO, it should be Legal. It's just a recreational (and medical) thing, no one should go to jail for drinking a beer.

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