I am already kind of an awkward dude, but when it comes to kids, my awkwardness intensifies. It doesn't help that whenever I'm interacting with a child, I get these randomly violent thoughts like, "I could kill you right now if I wanted to" and other weird shit. I definitely don't [i]hate[/i] kids, it's just that I'm bad at interacting with them.
So Flood, how are the rest of you with children?
The great thing about little kids is that they have no concept of awkwardness. So you can be exceptionally awkward around them and chances are they'll probably just think you're funny or weird. I don't particularly enjoy the company of children either, but I enjoy Disney, Pixar, and animated movies, so that helps a lot. And I can be immaturely funny without being vulgar, which kids love. Don't dumb yourself down to what you think is their level. They really don't like that. Just interact with them like you would everyone else. And... Don't let anxiety get to you. It serves no purpose at all and only exists to hold you back.