So what if every single roof turned into skittles? Like all of a sudden every rooftop in the entire world turned into skittles and fell down onto people. And even if we try and cover our houses and stuff with new roofs they automatically turn into skittles.
How would society change? Would our entire civilization crumble without the safety of roofs? Would skittles go bankrupt? Would world hunger be solved?
Time to turn the entire earth into skittles by flipping my house over.
[spoiler]I would be a very happy fat kid.[/spoiler] What in the hell are you on right now to come up with such an outrageous discussion?
[quote]Would world hunger be solved?[/quote] yes and obesity would kill everyone
I know everybody in my town would be dead in a matter of hours. It's -35 outside. And there's a wind too. For some reference, -32 F is equal to -32C. I think the majority of people in my province would probably be dead. All the folks that lived up in the north would be in serious trouble. I see your plan here OP. You're trying to skim down on the population, while simultaneously feeding the surviving people.
Suddenly, pineapples! Does it help?
Edited by Rhynerd: 3/4/2014 11:03:12 AMThen to save ourselves we'd make roofs out of skittles. Can't turn skittles into skittles, and you do need shelter to live.
I'd go live in a cave. Or die from Skittle overdose. It'd be one or the other.