[url=http://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-one-twitch-app-broadcasts-at-higher-quality-than-ps4/1100-6418088/]That's better than the PS4.[/url]
Not sure how it pulls it off, but I guess that's good news for streamers. Honestly it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. The PS4 broadcasts at 540p and Angry Joe's Killzone SF stream looked fine when I was watching it.
At least they're being consistent with resolutions... Jokes aside, this is great news for all Xbone users.
Great news, cant wait to start streaming with no audience!
75% unexpected, 25% amazing. I wonder if this will improve eSports on consoles!
+1 for Xbox. Worth the wait for Twitch on Xbox imo.
This will be good once more games are released, thats for both consoles. I'm pretty sure everyones already seen or played the games that could possibly be streamed. I wonder how many will try their luck at interwebz fame.
Not surprising. MS is a software company; they did well in waiting to release it. The Twitch app on the PS4 feels rushed. Sony can gain parity in this with an update; after all, it's a software deal, not a hardware one. Good on MS for this one. I've been meaning to make a thread on the implications of streaming in #Destiny. Might get on that soon.