I got beat up today. (-_-*)
Yep that's right. This asshole was pretty much waiting for me. So as I walked outside, I got hit square in the face. -Blam!-er caught me off guard, and I couldn't even fight back. I should've known what to expect though; the bastard comes by every year just to harass people. But, they'll be leaving later this month though, thank god. Anyways...the beating lasted for about 20minutes before I was able to get back indoors. I felt awful, my eyes started watering....I SWEAR I wasn't crying...my face and hands felt uncomfortable, luckily I didn't have any cuts or bruises or whatever. If I didn't have on layers of clothing, the rest of my body would feel like crap too.
[b]EDIT: There's nothing I can do. This [i]person[/i] can't be arrested. I'll just have to wait til I can [i]spring[/i] back up from this. [/b]
Edited by DigitalIZesty: 3/8/2014 9:28:02 AM
Started a new topic: I got rejected(8 Replies))
I was literally expecting a fresh prince thread, you caught me off guard
>was expecting fresh prince >was not fresh prince
A follow-up poem xD http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=63926142
*claps* Damn, dude. Very clever. +10 respect points for you.
He just needs to take a chill pill.
Troll level: Excellent. *Awards you the silver troll*
I don't get the reference. Hint anybody?
I feel bad.....
Well, it's not my fault that it was my fists.
Kick his teeth in. He deserves it. I'm I'm the same situation as you. Fight back. No mercy. And when you do. Yell: "THIS IS WHAT YOUV'E DONE TO ME! THIS IS WHAT I'VE GONE THROUGH! -blam!- YOU, -blam!-, -blam!-, FUUUU!!!! That's what I've done. Or at least what I'm planning to do...
Take revenge. Pull a prank, or pay him a visit...
I'll pay him a "visit"...
Why can't he be arrested? That's ridiculous.
D: *hugs* *kisses on forehead*
Ol' Jack Frost, huh?
I didn't get it until I read the other posts. Nice thread, OP.
Ice to see you this fine morning
Kick him in his Kringle, punch him in his holy bush, rip off his partridge and kick him in his pear tree!
Ya I hate winter too
i snow what you mean i got beat up this morning too.
...no fresh prince...? Really?
That was clever.
lol nice job
You should fight back. Punch him, kick him and anything else. If he's on floor, your last finishing move is to stomp on his face. [spoiler][b]I AM A GOD[/b][/spoiler]