I got beat up today. (-_-*)
Yep that's right. This asshole was pretty much waiting for me. So as I walked outside, I got hit square in the face. -Blam!-er caught me off guard, and I couldn't even fight back. I should've known what to expect though; the bastard comes by every year just to harass people. But, they'll be leaving later this month though, thank god. Anyways...the beating lasted for about 20minutes before I was able to get back indoors. I felt awful, my eyes started watering....I SWEAR I wasn't crying...my face and hands felt uncomfortable, luckily I didn't have any cuts or bruises or whatever. If I didn't have on layers of clothing, the rest of my body would feel like crap too.
[b]EDIT: There's nothing I can do. This [i]person[/i] can't be arrested. I'll just have to wait til I can [i]spring[/i] back up from this. [/b]
Ice to see you this fine morning