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[url=https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1169903F0BD6A7E6!441&authkey=!AI8oQOl4DHM3zYY&ithint=file%2c.docx]Charred Phoenix[/url]
Right up there is the twenty first part of Nora Sinclair's story. If there is an issue with the link complain about it. Comments would be nice.
[spoiler] “No, these fools have no idea of the power they tamper with.” I took the statement as being Axton’s way of going kicking and screaming.
It was not difficult to ignore the Ghost for the brief walk to the armory; the doors silently retracted into the walls and allowed me to see what the tech had been talking about. A black sniper rifle lay on the center table; I released Axton and stepped up to examine it further. The material looked like it was made from feathers, its scope held a second sight with a bird’s head outlined in cyan light, on the end of the barrel sat a small bird, its wings held tightly against its sides, head pointed forward as if it was watching something, I was surprised by the weight of the weapon, it was heavier than it looked.
“Do you like?” Axton asked as it hovered beside me. “It’s the sniper that Colonel Alexander brought back with him, well with some alterations.”[/spoiler]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Nora-Artemis-Sinclair-1-10/en/Groups/Post?id=62061583&groupId=39972#referred-]Right here are the other twenty[/url]
Interesting chapter, can't wait to see how the team will work together with such a variety of personalities. That sniper rifle sounds like quite the invention and a cloaking cape to boot, nice.