Okay, so I recently bought a Dell laptop with Windows 8.1, which I was on the fence about getting, but I couldn't find a laptop with Windows 7.... Anyways, the laptop already had Windows 8.1 installed, and so I was alright with the os, so I boot it up, I start entering all the information it wants and customizing it, until I reach the networking section, and I enter my Network's name and WPA key and all that fun stuff, it connects to the network well enough, but gives me a Limited Connectivity sign. Apparently I can't connect to the internet and the best part is that it can't find a solution to this problem because it is not connect to the internet! So please, if you will, place your opinions on Windows 8 aside, and help find some sort of solution to this bs, I would very much appreciate it...
I'm guessing your laptop doesn't have Wi-Fi, you will need to buy a [url=http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NzAwWDcwMA==/z/u2oAAOxyrjZRr2K6/$(KGrHqV,!rcFG(-OJtgSBRr2K6TRD!~~60_3.JPG]Wireless Adapter[/url] to make it able to connect to the internet. I had the same exact problem and this is what fixed it.