So I don't know how much attention this will get, but i thought that since the game is still in the development phases, i should bring this up sooner rather than later. As a trend of the new consoles, most developers are using the triggers specifically on the PS4. Unfortunately, discussions like this end up being fought by two specific sides: those who want the shoulders to remain an option, and those who say to just get use to it. The thing is, there is a third side that is normally overlooked or just ignored. I personally have a physical disability called Merosins Muscular Dystrophy. This causes the tendons in my body to tighten up as well as a halt in the growth in my muscles. I have been a gamer since the days of the PS1 and my hands have actually stretched to be able to use a dualshock controller quite well. the only issue I have is that I con not use the triggers at the same time as the analog sticks. This had not been a problem as most shooters on the ps3 had made use of the shoulders due to the wide dislike of the triggers on the dualshock 3. Sony did a major overhaul for the dualshock 4 and now the triggers are the go to buttons for aim and shoot in most games. I'm sorry if this post is dragging on, so I will just ask my question already. Will there be a controller preset that uses the shoulders for aim and shoot? This is not just a question that pertains to me, but many other disabled gamers.
I am sure if it does get seen my Bungie this issue will be addressed. I know that most development studios take this very seriously. For example, Paul Sage (Lead Director of ESO) was doing an open forum question session the other day and a player with cerebral palsy who couldn't use their right side addressed the fact that their controls pretty much required 2 hands and if it were possible to address this situation. Paul Sage wrote back that he was going to send this issue to his UI/Controls team and see if they could implement a fix. In fact he had sent it before he finished replying to the post. I know development companies do take this seriously and will try to make it so that everyone can experience their games. I wonder though, if there are after market controllers that are designed to maybe help alleviate this issue? I am guessing you'd know much more about it.