He doesn't believe me that people don't take him seriously.
Started a new topic: Do you take Uncle Putin seriously?(16 Replies))
I see Camnator like this...
I think he's a smart guy who plays devils advocate so much, he tends to lose himself in it.
Nah. I just carry the "arguments" on for my own amusement.
I have no reason to.
:D No.
[b] [/b]
The real Camnator left a long time ago. [i] Or did he? [/i]
Edited by CK97: 3/15/2014 4:08:48 AMHis comebacks make me laugh, maybe because I've gone incoherent.
Incoherence is like insanity The dude's dead serious, yet can never be. Pretty awesome if you ask me, I'll take him serious in my incoherence and disregard him in my sanity
He's just your typical edgy anarchist
Everyone says no, and yet all of his threads get bumped to the top.
Does ANYBODY? Inb4 your obsession is pathetic.
Who doesn't take him seriously?
I don't take most people on the internet seriously.
He's hilarious.
I obviously missed something, cause everyone brings up this Camnator guy and I have no idea what he did to become so infamous on this forums. I swear I recall a mod with "Cam" in their name, but I don't know if this is the same guy. Can someone please fill me in.
I don't take anyone who favours Booty > Rack seriously
Take him seriously as in believe him? Or think he has merit to what he says? I think most of the time he is speaking from a purely subjective point of view most of the time, he uses anecdotal evidence and is influenced by confirmation bias. He's not an intellectual by any means.
Depends on the thread
Anyone that does is either new or special in the head.
I take him seriously.
Its amazing. He came along almost a year ago and trolled the hell out of the forums, and we STILL talk about him. The real Camnator isn't even posting anymore.
lol no. Between him, PSU and my sweet darling xxStrongbeer, I just give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're trolling. [i]No one[/i] can be [i]that[/i] stupid...
Who's Camnator?