This thread is inspired by another: view original post
So my master and I were just at the grocery store buying food for the weekend, and when he walks out to me, he sees that shit pictured above on me. Somebody hit me and then decides to just drive away before they could be caught.
Now, he doesn't understand what's going through a person's head when they do this. Considering the damage to me is minuscule, they had no reason to run from the scene. He understands that mistakes happen, and after talking about what happened with the person he most likely would've just told him/her to not worry about it. But, not only did they make the mistake of backing into another car, they pull a hit and run. So, in his opinion, people who do any degree of this is a dick beyond regards.
Has this happened to any of you fellow cars? Hopefully none of you have this done to you...
>dylanfrye Isn't that Nasty's photobucket?