I liked it, brought things to a solid close.
They all did.
With the exception of the "Destroy" ending variant with Shepard inhaling sharply at the end, I don't like that one.
I'm being serious here, this is not an attempt at jimmy rustling.
I don't even like sprinkles.
Ah. I rather liked it pretty well. It makes for Shep to die anyways-- I mean he/she got resurrected by Cerberus to stop the reapers. Shep was the go to guy, had to fix every-bodies problems. Shep deserved a rest. I think it was better for Shepard to die a martyr , just so your Shepard's decisions won't be for nothing. Well... I hope that wasn't confusing at all. :P But yeah, the Destroy ending gives us the idea of Shepard staying alive kinda of like near the ending of ME1. I have a love-hate relationship with the Destroy ending.