What are your favorite pokemon to use in battle? What pokemon do you believe to be the most annoying to fight against?
Dragonite - Tanky and powerful.
Greninja - Extremely versatile sweeper.
Aegislash - Saved my ass on so many occasions. Probably my favorite pokemon right now.
Most annoying:
Darkrai - Damn you, Dark Void!
Rotom Wash - I hate this -blam!-er. I can never seem to kill him.
Mawile, or pretty much any other Fairy type - I have no real counter. Only Aegislash.
You, Flood?
Favorite: Empoleon and Garchomp Annoying: Altaria and Amoongus
Edited by GULOJimmy: 3/18/2014 3:50:53 AMSnorlax all the way Most annoying is the Zumbats ( not sure if that is how it's spelled)
Pikachu. Pokemon yellow good times.
Haunter - my first Pokemon
Favourite- Klefki prankster Most annoying - Klefki Prankster
Favorite: Talonflame Most Annoying: Barbaracle I have nightmares about that thing
Most annoying: Anything with prankster
6 IV shiny Vaporeon with the move wish.