Men (and women!), Bungie's getting ready to drop some sweet deets on us at GDC. Some things will be more readily apparent than others, but for those of us dying for all the new information that we can find, we have to scour all of these panels.
Here's some panels Bungie will be in on and what they're up to.
[b][url=]Building Customizable Characters for Bungie's Destiny[/url][/b]
This is of particular notability to many fans, as we've had many questions about what we're going to be able to do from a customization standpoint in Destiny. Scott Shepherd, Technical Art Lead (3D) at Bungie, will go over what Bungie has put into customization options, what has worked and what hasn't, and how their model is prepared to expand over time across the life of the franchise. This panel will last an hour, and you can bet we'll get some knowledge dropped on us, as well as video footage (either gameplay or behind the scenes work, or both). Customization panel is Friday morning.
[b]Update[/b]: [url=]Vault has opened this video to the public.[/url]
[b][url=]Evolving Bungie's Production Practices for a Brave New World[/url][/b]
This hour long panel will go over how Bungie has evolved in recent years, the company swelling to the juggernaut it is today. There will be video, so expect a little more than "We grew, here's some new faces." The panel will go over how internal milestones and the like are set for a large AAA game team, and how that scheduling is used to track progress on Destiny's development.
[b][url=]Designing the Bungie Animation Workflow[/url][/b]
Among other things, this panel will show us some behind the scenes looks at Bungie's animation techniques. There will be lots of raw footage involved, but I'd be willing to bet that Bungie shows how the raw footage evolves into an impressive in-engine figure. The panel drops Thursday evening/afternoon.
[b][url=]Face Animation Retargeting in Destiny[/url][/b]
Here we are! Get a glimpse at what's under the helmet, your personal face. The panel will take a peek at 42 different player-selectable heads and how each head shares the same animation (across all available races and genders) in real-time cinematics. Bungie will also go over some more detailed aspects of these facial animations, including some ideas that didn't quite work. We're finally going to see our face in Destiny tomorrow afternoon.
[b]Shout out to aspiring artisits! [url=]Killer Portfolio or Portfolio Killer: Part 1 - Advice from Industry Artists[/url] and [url=]Killer Portfolio or Portfolio Killer: Part 2 - Portfolio Review[/url][/b]
This panel of artists from many companies, including Bungie, 343, Epic, and more, will provide insight to aspiring artists on what will make their portfolios stand out to art directors at game companies. Tune in if you're looking for your break into the world of game development.
Each panel will provide some footage specific to their area, meaning we could get a look at a wide variety of new content for Destiny. The website also seems to indicate that we'll be able to watch this online, so keep an eye on things and anyone who can record the panels, jump on it! More coverage of GDC panels will be available at [url=]Gamasutra[/url].
Panels are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Prepare to Drop. Bungie's silence is breaking.
Best news I've heard all day. Good job sir.