Just a few theories on melee combat; I think there will be two types of main melee combat.
Akin to the pummel in Halo and the knife from COD, players can perform a quick easy melee with a permanent weapon, be it the hunter knife, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1OjUWw43co]your hand[/url] (4;19) or some other weapon.
Larger swords or weapons could be in there too; a new 'banhammer' was mentioned in some of the weekly updates, and the pic above shows hive swords seemingly available on a rack, and the yellow titan with some kind of axe-ish weapon on her back. I hope these weapons will work like the guns, being customisable and upgrade-able.
Theres also a few other melee like features, such as the light blade thing seen in a couple of trailers (likely a super), and a throwing knife in the VGX trailer. So, what are your guys hope for melee combat in destiny?
Obviously this is too much to ask for but if we could wield lightsabers in this game.... Well. That'd be amazing.