Lately developers have been lying...or "stretching" the truth....about their graphics. The demo graphics are better then the release and are somewhat of a false promise...
Dark Souls 2
Aliens: Colonial Marines [b](Big Lies Here)[/b]
Infamous Second Sun
Bioshock Infinite
Last of Us[/i]
To name a few....
If you look at the comparisions, they are magically lesser quality then what was originally displayed, often blaming these on "resource management" and such. Is this a cause of concern for the future? Does this worry you in regards to [i]Destiny[/i]
[quote]Dark Souls 2[/quote] They never promised great graphics. [quote]Infamous Second Sun[/quote] Still the best looking next gen game out there. If you're complaining about the visual fidelity of this game, you should quit consoles and buy a PC. Either or, do you really expect we'd be getting scripted gameplay uncompressed quality visuals in games? If so, that is your problem. Now Watch_Dogs, you have a point there. There were actually toting around how the game would look that great, then the most recent gameplay was a huge step back. No I'm not worried for Destiny because Deej has stated the final release will be better then what has already been shown. Now if they go back on this statement I would be disappointed.