Lately developers have been lying...or "stretching" the truth....about their graphics. The demo graphics are better then the release and are somewhat of a false promise...
Dark Souls 2
Aliens: Colonial Marines [b](Big Lies Here)[/b]
Infamous Second Sun
Bioshock Infinite
Last of Us[/i]
To name a few....
If you look at the comparisions, they are magically lesser quality then what was originally displayed, often blaming these on "resource management" and such. Is this a cause of concern for the future? Does this worry you in regards to [i]Destiny[/i]
No because Bungie are nearing the end of development, and they're telling us that the graphics are even better than anything we've seen to date. What we've seen so far looks incredible, so this shouldn't worry anyone with regards to Destiny. In terms of the game industry as a whole, it should worry people. We as consumers are putting pressure on sony and microsoft to give us more games, and quicker. This makes them put pressure on the publishers, who then put pressure on the developers. So you get EA forcing Dice to release battlefield 4, 6 months before they're ready. You get the dark souls team being forced to put out gameplay footage, because their publisher wants to release it at a certain time, and wants to hype people up. So really we're the ones to blame, because we're the ones who have these unrealistic expectations, that publishers feel they have to meet or else get bad publicity and lose out on sales. If people were more level-headed, and there were less ignorant fanboys spreading their shit round the internet, then the gaming environment would be better for everyone. Rant over lol