How trustworthy are you?
I'm between neutral and questionable.
I've always been disastrous then.
Colonel Sanders! I'm neutral?
Edited by GKR: 3/25/2014 5:10:12 AMI typically don a goatee and mustache, but I often get lazy and leave the rest unshaved for brief periods of time. Looks like I fluctuate between adequately trustworthy and nearly dangerous.
Edited by TechnoKat: 3/25/2014 5:04:33 AMSame, I don't do "favors". I do business. Though on the beard scale I'm Abe.
A guy who graduated last year once shaved his facial hair into a hitler for a day.
Right between very and mildly
I'm on the podium of all-time trustworthiness. YEAH
I'm very trustworthy but no one trusts me Oh well But according to that chart, I'm questionable lol
I'm between neutral and mildly trustworthy
I'm between very and mildy trustworthy.
Hmm...trustworthy indeed!